Maharashtra Information
Maharashtra is the third largest state in the country. The sahyadri Range forms the backbone of the state. This state has an average height of 1000m and falls in steep cliffs to the Kondon on the West Eastwards, the hilly country falls in steps through a transitional area to the plateau level. The Konkan lying between the Arabian Sea and the Sahyadri range is narrow coastal lowland. The satpudas, hills along the northern border and the Bhamragad – Chiroligaikhuri Ranges on the eastern border from physical barrier preventing easy movement but also serve as natural limits to the state.
The name Maharashtra was first appeared in a 7th century inscription and has originated from the word rathi, meaning chariot driver. It probably refers to the builders and drivers of chariots who formed the Maharathis or a fighting force. The word Maharashtra also means great nation the region was first ruled by the Hindus and later by the Muslims.
Shivaji Bhosle, founder of the Maratha Empire was born in 1627. At the age of 16, he took an oath to make the land free of the Mughals. This was the start of his life long struggle against the mughals and other Muslim powers by 1673; he had control over most of western Maharashtra and was ceremoniously crowned as a sovereign king in 1673. At the time of independence in 1947 the state of Bombay was born. In 1960 Bombay state was divided into two states on the basis of language with Gujarat in the north and Madhya Pradesh in the South.
Maharashtra is a state where all religions co-exist in peaceful harmony and so all the main festivals like Holi, Christmas, Diwaili and Eid are celebrated joyously. There are also several regional festivals like the Pune festival, Ganesh Chaturthi, the Elephant festival and Ellora Festival. The biggest festival of Maharashtra is Ganesh Chaturthi. It is celebrated between August and September and lasts for 8 to 10 days. Idols of Lord Ganesh are worshiped and the end is marked by the spectacular procession that culminates at the Arabian Sea, where the idols are immersed in the water.
Ajanatha and Ellora are located near the city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra. These caves are world famous for the cave shrines that are cut out of rock all by hand. There are 34 caves of Ellora and 29 caves at Ajanta and all are outstanding specimens of Indian architecture excellence. They were build using simple tools and contain some of the most divines sculpture and images of Buddha’s preaching. The Ajanta caves lie deep in the Semi-arid Sahayadri hills above the Waghora River about 3okm North West of Aurangabad the 34 Ellora caves are carved into the sides of a hill.
The main rivers of Maharashtra are the Godavari, the Krishna and the Tapti. The Godavari and Krishna flow eastwards into the Bay of Bengal, irrigating most of central and eastern Maharashtra. To the east are major rivers like Wainganga that flow to the South.
Maharashtra is the industrial power house of India, with a contribution of 13% towards the national economy, chemical and allied products, electrical and non electrical machinery, textiles, petroleum and allied products are the main industries in Maharashtra.
Maharashtra General Information
The capital of Maharashtra is Mumbai.
There are 35 districts in this state.
The principal languages spoken by the people are Marathi.
State Bird
Green imperial pigeon is this state’s bird.
State Animal
Indian Giant squirrel is this state’s animal.
State flower
Jarul is this state’s flower.
Maharashtra is the industrial power house of India, with a contribution of 13% towards the national economy.
The present day dynamic and vibrant city of Mumbai was originally an archipelago of seven small islands an archipelago of In the 3rd century BC, these islands came under Maurya Empire ruled by Emperor Ashoka.
After independence Mumbai has been one of the most progressive cities. It is recognized as the seat of domestic and international trade the city is the home to India’s two largest stock markets, the Bombay stock exchange and the National stock exchange. It is the financial heart of India, one of the world’s top 10 commercial centres and the entertainment capital of the nation people flock to the city in droves for Mumbai is truly the city of Golden opportunities.