Kanyakumari Temples

The southernmost tip of Indian Peninsula also a famous Pilgrim center at the confluence of Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea,  Kanyakumari has been named after the Goddess Parvathi in one of her incarnations as Devi Kanniya did penance on one of the rocks of this land’s end to obtain the hand of Lord Siva.

Sri Kumariamman Temple

The 3000 years old temple at this place is dedicated to the Goddess Parvathi who as Devi Kanniya, the virgin Goddess, did penance to obtain the hand of Lord Siva.  The temple stands near where three oceans meet the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.  The image of the Goddess in the sanctum is marvellous in its serenity and beneficence.  She carries a necklace in her right hand. The eastern gate, facing the Bay of Bengal is opened only five times a year.
Legends says that the demon Baanaasuran wreaked havoc on the inhabitants of this world, and that Lord Vishnu requested the Gods and the humans to request primeval energy Paraasakthi to vanquish the demon.  Answering the prayers of the oppressed, Shakti appeared as a young virgin girl at Kanyakumari and commenced penance with the desire of marrying Shiva at Suchindram.
Legend has it that the celestial Sage Naradam fixed the midnight hour as the auspicious time for the wedding.  When Shiva’s procession reached a site by name Vazhukkumpaarai, a rooster crowed, heralding daybreak, and that Shiva assuming that the acspicious hour was pask, returned to Suchindram.  The disappointed Goddess decided to spend her life in Kanyakumari as a virgin, and that all the food prepared for the wedding was laid waste and that it turned into the colored sand seen on the southern shores of the Indian Peninsula.
The demon Banaasuran upon hearing of Shakti’s story proceeded to kanyakumari to win her hand in marriage by force and this led to a fierce battle in which he was slain by her.  There are a total of 11 theerthams associated with the temple in the ocean surrounding the area.  The confluence of the seas, at the southern tip of the Indian peninsula has been held sacred for centuries.


Suchindram means the place wherewhere Indra the King of Devas attained purification.  Suchindram temple may will be considered as one of the storehouses of the richest specimens of art and sculpture in stone.  There is fine, large fane, with a beautiful tank.  It is one of the few temples in the country where the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, are worshipped.  The Linga, named “Sthanumalayan”, is in three parts the top represents Lord Siva, the middle Lord Vishnu and the base Lord Brahma.  Sthanu is the name of Siva, Mal of Vishnu and Ayan of Brahma.  The temple has a beautiful gopuram musical pillars and an excellent of Hanuman.

Nataraja Temple

This ancient temple is 19km from kannayakumari is Nagercoil, which contains the celebrated Nagaraja temple.  The sanctum is a simple thatched shed, with mud walls.  It enshrines the King of Serpents.  Tradition states that a king of Kalakkad was cured of leprosy when he performed penance in the temple.  He then rebuilt it in the Kerala style.  He might have been Bhuthalavira Sri Vira Udaya Marthandavarma, who ruled Venad, with Kalakkad as his capital from 1516 to 1535.  It is believed that snakebite is not fatal within a kilometre of the temple.  The fane has some Jain sculptures.


Kumarakovil is at the foot of the Velimalai hills about 34km from kannayakumari.  The Lord Muruga Temple is built on the hillock about 200 feet height in a lush green field of Paddy, Plantain and Coconut trees.  The temple is noted for architectural beauty.  The side of the Lord also enshrines goddess Valli, the spouse of Lord Subramanya in the temple.


This beautiful temple is located in Kanyakumari district towards Thirvananthapuram.  This is one of the 108 Vaishnava Divya desam.
The presiding deity here is Sri Aadi Kesava Perumal in a reclining posture faces west.  As in Thiruvananthapuram the deity is viewed through three openings in the sanctum.  The sanctum has been designed so that the rays of the setting sun illuminated the face of the deity.
The architecture here, as with several other temples in Kanyakumari district resembles that of the temples of Kerala.  Worship protocols followed here are also the same as those of Kerala  This temple is an important center of worship and is referred to as Aadi Anantam and Dakshina Vaikuntham.  Tiruvattar is referred to in the Sangam period Tamil work Puranaanoru. 

Other Shrines

Gukanatheeswarar Siva temple is about 2km. Murugan Kundrum is about 3km. Thirupathisaram is about 5km form Nagerkovil .  Mandaikkadu Bhagawathi Amman temple is about 42km.  Chitaral Jain temple is about 52km.


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