Curd Vadai (Thair Vadai)


  1. Black gram dhal                                                                 - 200 gm
  2. Created coconut                                                              - 1 cup
  3. Green chillies                                                                     - 6
  4. Pepper                                                                                 - 5 gm
  5. Asafoetida                                                                          - a pinch
  6. Mustard seed                                                                    - 1 tsp
  7. Curd                                                                                      - 200 ml
  8. Oil                                                                                           - for frying
  9. Salt                                                                                         - to taste
  10. Coriander leaves                                                              -  as required


  1. Soak black gram dhal and grind well.
  2. Grind coconut and green chillies add in to a Curd and set aside with seasoning.
  3. Mix asafoetida, salt and pepper into a batter (Black gram) mix well.
  4. Heat oil in kadai and make a shape of vadai in the better and fry well.
  5. Remove from five and put water to the Vadai at least one minute removes from water.
  6. Then put the soaked vadai into the curd and coconut mixer.
  7. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve.